Dental bonding , also known as composite or tooth bonding, is an excellent
way to fix cosmetic and structural imperfections in the teeth. Dental bonding
can repair cracked, chipped, and discolored teeth as well as replace silver
amalgam fillings. Cosmetic bonding can also repair misaligned teeth, providing
a straighter, more uniform smile.
- Dental bonding provides a natural white and beautiful teeth appearance. It
can repair chipped or broken tooth and lengthen worn down tooth.
- Dental bonding brightens your smile and improves your self-esteem
- Dental bonding offer a conservative approach to changing a tooth's color and
The Tooth Bonding Procedure
To begin the teeth bonding procedure, the dentist selects a composite resin
( dental bonding material) that matches the natural shade of your teeth. The
dentist then roughens the existing tooth so the resin can adhere properly. Next,
the composite resin is carefully applied to the tooth, shaped, and smoothed
to achieve the desired look. It is then quickly hardened via a high intensity
light. Lastly, the bonded tooth is buffed and polished so it has the same appearance
as the surrounding teeth.
Teeth bonding can usually be completed in one office visit, depending on the
extent of repair needed. Even if treatment needs to be performed over two or
more visits, you will be pleased to notice a significant difference in your
smile after the first treatment. A cosmetic dentist can work out an individual
plan for your dental bonding needs after a consultation and initial dental examination.
Benefits of Cosmetic Bonding
Tooth bonding offers several benefits for patients. It is quick, affordable,
relatively painless, and long lasting. Dental bonding is also a great alternative
to more extensive cosmetic dentistry treatment with porcelain veneers, dental
bridges, and dental crowns. Additionally, the composite resin used in a cosmetic
bonding procedure is very flexible, expanding and contracting with the natural
tooth to prevent cracks and tooth loss. Dental bonding is an excellent option
for individuals looking to repair imperfections in their smile.
Care for Dental bonding
It requires the same regular and consistent home and professional dental care
as your natural teeth.
1. Brush after eating and before bedtime around the tooth with a soft toothbrush,
especially where the bonding meets the gum line.
2. Floss at least once to twice a day. Use the proxy brush or floss threader
to remove plaque under and around these areas to maintain good oral hygiene.
3. Rinse with fluoride rinse before bed. Do not swallow any of the rinse and
do not eat or drink anything for 30 minutes.
4. Be careful about chewing toffees, gum, grainy rolls and tough food in this
5. See your dentist for regular professional check-ups and cleanings