Inlay / Onlay
Dental inlays and onlays are restorations used to repair your rear teeth that have a moderate amount of decay. They can also be used to restore teeth that are cracked or fractured if the damage is not severe enough to require a dental crown. Inlays and onlays are usually made from porcelain/ceramic, composite resin, and sometimes even from gold. Because they can be created from tooth-colored materials, inlays and onlays are often used to replace metal fillings for patients who desire a more natural looking smile and more stronger tooth-colored filling. Read on to find out about how inlays and onlays may be able to enhance your smile’s health and appearance.
 These Indirect fillings are similar to composite or tooth-colored fillings except that they are made in a dental laboratory and require two visits before being placed. They are considered when not enough tooth structure remains to support a filling but the tooth is not so severely damaged that it needs a crown.
There are two types of indirect fillings – inlays and onlays.

  1. Inlays are similar to fillings but the entire work lies within the cusps (bumps) on the chewing surface of the tooth
  2. Onlays are more extensive than inlays, covering one or more cusps. Onlays are sometimes called partial crowns

Inlays and onlays are more durable and last much longer than traditional fillings – up to 10-30 years. They can be made of tooth-colored composite resin, porcelain or gold.

Advantages of Dental Inlays and Onlays

In treating dental decay, inlays and onlays help to eliminate tooth sensitivity and eventual tooth loss. I nlays and onlays also offer the following benefits:
  • The use of inlays and onlays requires conservative tooth preparationtion than does the use of metal fillings. This allows dentists to conserve more of your natural tooth structure in the treatment process.
  • Since they can be made from tooth-colored material, including porcelain and composite resin, inlays and onlays are virtually invisible.
  • Inlays and onlays can replace silver fillings to create a healthier, more natural-looking smile.
  • Unlike metal fillings, inlays and onlays will not expand or contract in response to temperature changes caused by hot or cold foods. This change in size can cause teeth to weaken or fracture.
  • The durable material from which inlays and onlays are made helps them last up to 10-30 years, much longer than that of conventional fillings.

Procedure for Dental Inlays and Onlays Treatment

During the first visit, decay or an old filling is removed. An impression is taken to record the shape of the tooth being repaired and the teeth around it. The impression is sent to a dental laboratory that will make the indirect filling. A temporary filling (described below) is placed to protect the tooth while your restoration is being made. During the second visit, the temporary filling is removed, and the dentist will check the fit of the indirect restoration. Provided the fit is acceptable, it will be permanently cemented into place.

Care for inlays and onlays

To maintain your inlays/onlays, you should follow good oral hygiene practices:

    1. Brush and floss daily. It is good practice to brush after eating and before bedtime.
    2. See your dentist for regular professional check-ups and cleanings. If your dentist suspects that a filling might be cracked or is "leaking", further assessment of the situation should be done
    3. If your tooth is extremely sensitive, if you feel a sharp edge, if you notice a crack in the filling, or if a piece of the filling is missing, call your dentist
•  Dental implant
•  Laser teeth whitening
•  Immediate implant
•  Home whitening
•  Dental crown
•  Dental bridge
•  Porcelain veneer
•  Dental bonding
•  Dental makeover
•  Invisalign
•  Orthodontics
•  Denture
•  Root canal
•  Gum treatment
•  Tooth-colored filling
•  Inlay/onlay
•  Joint disorder
•  Sedation dentistry
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•  Dental implant
•  Laser teeth whitening
•  Immediate implant
•  Home whitening
•  Dental crown
•  Dental bridge
•  Porcelain veneer
•  Dental bonding
•  Dental makeover
•  Invisalign
•  Orthodontics
•  Denture
•  Root canal
•  Gum treatment
•  Tooth-colored filling
•  Inlay/onlay
•  Joint disorder
•  Sedation dentistry
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Sea Smile
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Testimonial Case Gallery
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Ms. Susan Friedman / USA.

Treatment : Immediate Implant+All ON 4/6

Well, I have been back in the U S A for about 3 weeks now and I could not be happier with my totally NEW TEETH AND SMILE!  I had a whole lot of dental work done in a very short period of time - just under 2 weeks!

I did some very drastic work - removal of 17 teeth, 5 implants for an "Immediate" full upper set of permanent teeth and a denture (for now anyway) for the full bottom teeth!  Yes, this was all done in less then 2 weeks.

I was in contact with the Sea Smile Dental Clinic prior to my arrival into Phuket, so everything was ready to go.  I went for a check, x rays and consult on day 1 and on day 2, the teeth were extracted, on day 3, the implants were done and then from there it was just a matter of getting all the "Teeth" put in and adjusted. 

The treatment was wonderful by every person on staff at the Clinic - Dr. Tan, who was my "Primary" Dentist was absolutely wonderful!  She is caring, fabulous at what she does and works many, many hours to make her patients happy!  She is also a "Perfectionist"-a very good thing for her patients!!!!

I had another Dentist who did the extraction of the teeth-I apologize that I do not know her name, but she was great!  The Implant Surgery Dentist flew in from Bangkok to do my implant surgery and he was excellent also.

My experience at SEA SMILE DENTAL was a very positive one.  My outcome, as I hope you can see, was excellent and I am so pleased with the whole experience.  The front desk ladies and the dental assistants also deserve a well deserved "Thank You!".  They were extremely helpful and caring too.

So, in closing, I just want to say to SEA SMILE DENTAL - "See you next year!" and hope you have a Good Year!


Ms. Susan Friedman / USA.
Immediate Implant+All ON 4/6/
Dr. Udsana
Date : 23Feb 2009

Sea Smile Dental Clinic, Phuket

Mother of three Anonymous from Australia
Sea Smile Dental Clinic

Susan Gray
Sea Smile Dental Clinic

Veronica Rebellato , Australia
Sea Smile Dental Clinic

ZIGGY L. K543052 , Australia
Implant , Dr.Udsana

Patrick O’ Connor , K552727 , Australia
Crown and Gum Treatment , Dr.Udsana and Dr.Srisuda

Fraser S. K552576 , Australia
Crowns, fillings , Dr. Udsana

Elisabet L. K550805 , Australia
Implant, Bone Graft , Crown Bridge Dr.Udsana

Koree H. K552665 , Australia
Root Planing , Dr.Srisuda

Ida V. , K551309 , Australia
Dr.Udsana and Dr.Pichapa

Mr.Abraham S. , K550044 , Australia
Single Implant ,Bone Graft , Crown Bridge
Dr.Boonyanart and , Dr.Udsana

Mrs. Marina O Neill , K552671, Australia
PROCERA/ CERCON Crown , Dr.Udsana

Tina Ashby from Australia

Larry J. K551866 Australia
All-On -4 (Immediate function implant :
12-14 fixed teeth) Dr. Udsana

Tracy G. K552512 Root Canal Treatment,
Cleaning, fillings, crowns, Crown Lengthening, Zoom
Dr. Srisuda

Vicki Davini Perth, Western Australia

Vicki D. K520689 Australia
Zoom Whitening, fillings, deep cleaning
Dr. Srisuda, Dr. Sasi-arpha

Mary K. K550848 Australia
Implant Dr. Udsana

Deirdre P. K521960 , Australia
Root planing, crowns
Dr. Udsana, Dr. Srisuda

Angela Serovski from Australia

Clayton H. , K551988 , Australia
Crowns, Denture , Extraction, Root planing
Dr. Udsana

malcolm jory from Australia
Major remedial, Crowns, implants and sinus lift

Alison Wolfenden from Australia
Sea Smile Dental Clinic

Vicki M. , K551806 , Australia
"3 x crowns and 1 x veneer"
Dr. Udsana

Tania Zammit from Australia
Sea Smile Dental Clinic

Faye Harper from Australia
Sea Smile Dental Clinic

Yvonne and Kaz , Australia
DN. K551675 and K551675
Dr. Udsana , Implant, bone graft, sinus lift

Sezai cetin from australia
Sea Smile Dental Clinic

Darryl Ellis , Australia
Dr. Udsana, Sea Smile Dental Clinic

Jessica S. , K551773 , Australia
Zoom whitening , Dr. Pichapa
Sea Smile Dental Clinic

Leeanne Mammone from Australia

Hello, Yes i am very pleased with all the service i recieved :)
Thank you so much, i will highly recommend you.


Timothy Rea , K551888 , Australia
4wisdom teeth removal , Dr. Yaowaluk
Sea Smile Dental Clinic

Yvonne douglas from Australia
Sea Smile Dental Clinic

Martin Murphy , Australia
three crowns 1 tooth pulled

Ken Power from New Zealand

Mrs. Colleen M. , K551624, Australia
Crown, fillings, cleaning, Zoom whitening, Dr. Udsana

Mrs.Marienne Barbara K551645

Angie H. , K551170, Australia
Filling, cleaning, Dr. Pichapa

April Absalom T550960 &
Jason Ghietti T551030
Dr.TASSENEE , Dr. Paruhut & our Team

Ronnie B. K550186 Country : UK
Dentist: Dr. Udsana, Dr. Amnouy
Treatment: All on 5 implant

Daniel L. K550581
Veneer, crown, cleaning, fillings, Zoom
Dr. Udsana Australia

Sea Smile Dental Clinic, Phuket

Richard T.
T550306, Australia
Crown and Root Canal Treatment
Dr. Paruhat

Sea Smile Dental Clinic, Phuket

Mr.Brett Woolley / Australia
RCT/ Dr.Thitiya
Laser/ Dr.Pichapa,
2 Cr. / Dr.Udsana

Sea Smile Dental Clinic, Phuket

Mr.Dennis Zaetta & Ms.Wilhelmina
Cr+Br. 14 Units, Deep Cleaning / Dr.Udsana

Sea Smile Dental Clinic, Phuket

Mr.Kennenth J. Cowden / U.S.A.
Denture / Dr.Adsana

Sea Smile Dental Clinic, Phuket

Mr.Paul Vagelsbergs / U.S.A.
5 Cr. on Implant / Dr.Udsana

Sea Smile Dental Clinic, Phuket

Mr.Rick Vassallo / Australia
3 Br.6VN / Dr.Udsana

Sea Smile Dental Clinic, Phuket

Ms.Crista Wanke / Australia
2Cr.+Filling+SC / Dr.Pichapa

Sea Smile Dental Clinic, Phuket

Ms.Gale Hobson / Australia
Crowns 21 Teeth / Dr.Udsana

Sea Smile Dental Clinic, Phuket

Ms.Rebeekah Deas / Australia
4Cr.,8VN / Dr.Udsana

Sea Smile Dental Clinic, Phuket

Ms.Valma Hofford / Australia
Restored Beauty , 2cr.+whitening / Dr.Pichapa

Sea Smile Dental Clinic, Phuket

Ms.Wilhelmin Van Hennik / Australia
2 cr. Upper Plate / Dr.Udsana

Sea Smile Dental Clinic, Phuket

Mr Rob Pipe
Sea Smile Dental Clinic, Phuket

Chris & Deb Smedley
Wodonga, VIC. Australia

Nigel Horne and Raewyn Russell
New Zealand T541743 and T541742
Dr. Paruhat
Fillings, cleaning, Denture, veneer

Matthew Faulkner (Australia)
Sea Smile Dental Clinic K542328
Filling, cleaning, crown,
Root Canal treatment
Dr. Udsana Tan.

Alison Kelly (New Zealand )
K542515 Sea Smile Dental Clinic.

Thanks so much for the dental work!
Great price and I am enjoying
showing off my new smile :)

Sophie Phillips
K542710 Sea Smile Dental Clinic.

Shauna Anderson K542748
Sea Smile Dental Clinic.

Mary Cosgrove K542904 Australia
Zoom Dr. Pichapa

Sean W. K542932
Full mouth restoration/ Root Canal, Crown, bridge
Dr. Udsana Sea Smile Dental Clinic Australia

Mr. David Fry, K541164
Australia, Dr. Udsana
All on 4/5 implant


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